How to Save Money While Buying Medical Marijuana

Medical expenses may be a scourge, and costs of medical cannabis may prove likewise. Though not as costly as some prescription drugs, cannabis (marijuana) products are not by any means cheap. Their cost can cause a serious dent in your budget.
One major issue is that cannabis is considered a Schedule 1 Drug and has not been approved by the FDA. Hence, like most over-the-counter drugs, you cannot gain insurance for cannabis purchases. However, you can save money on the purchase of medical marijuana in certain ways.

Grow Your Own Cannabis

Grow cannabis on your own as an idea to cut costs. Though you will encounter some expenses at the start of buying some equipment, yet the cost can be recouped after growing and making use of marijuana plants.
But state laws can differ much on growing marijuana at home. Some states approve medical marijuana license carrying persons to grow a limited number of plants for personal use. In states which permit cannabis for both recreational and medical use, the laws may not permit users to have their own unrestricted farms of marijuana cultivation. For instance, in Washington, where both kinds of use are legal, growing medical cannabis for medicinal use is legal but not for recreational use.

Use Less Dosage

You can cut the dosage of cannabis for medical use as you might be consuming more than that necessary for relieving your ailment.  More may not always be superior, and you may find a reduced dosage much more effective. In most cases, you may require only 10 to 15 mg of marijuana that can last for many hours. Additionally, if you are a novice for using cannabis, you can experiment with the strategy of micro-dosing. It involves using tiny doses, which are amazingly effective to relieve symptoms of several ailments. You can titrate the dose slowly in case you find that you require more for relieving symptoms.

Timing of Doses

Apart from using the most effective, minimum dosage, it is crucial to time your dose properly. You can use a higher dose at night, as a good strategy to get a deep and restful sleep. Higher nighttime doses thus promote sleep. When you get sleep of good quality, it translates to feeling rested and results in lesser flare-ups of disease symptoms. When you control symptoms in a better fashion, you will need less cannabis in the day time.
Yet another method is to consume small dosages of cannabis, around the same time every day, similar to a prescription drug. This reduces the chances of break-through symptoms, which arise when you wait too long to consume another dose.

Purchase in Bulk

You can save money when you buy medical cannabis in bulk, just like while purchasing rice, wheat, or granola in bulk. For instance, if you usually use a tenth part of a dried cannabis flower during a week, it might prove cost-effective to purchase an ounce and keep the rest in proper storage, using when necessary. But it is cheaper to buy in bulk only when the total price per gram plunges with the increase in the amount purchased. You may also do well by enquiring from dispensaries if they are offering deals and discounts.

Offers and Promos

In the majority of states, selling cannabis is a competitive industry, and for staying on top, many dispensaries offer promos and deals. They may provide loyalty programs, which consist of discounts or freebies when you become repeat customers or recommend the business to others. Don’t hesitate to ask - you lose nothing. Also, you should shop around for comparing prices and determine where you will get the best deal. I use my MMJ card for purchasing medical cannabis. It saves me state taxes. I got it by an MMJ physician through 420 Med Evaluations Sacramento program. Your state too might have a program like that. Take benefit from it.

Last Tip - Enjoy More From Less

You can improve the efficacy of your cannabis in several ways. One method is to consume food that contains a good type of fats like avocados, nut butter, or salmon, which enhances the potency of edible cannabis or other kinds. Fatty food has proved to break down and absorb cannabinoids more effectively. This is opposed to the faulty notion that the best way to consume cannabis is on an empty stomach.


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