3 Questions Every Cannabis User Should Ask Before Consuming Edibles


At some point during the usage, most cannabis consumers would affirm its correlation with being a wonder drug. Perhaps its unique effects say nothing less. For first time users, the mystery persists even stronger.

If you are living in California or any state where cannabis is legal, you can just walk into a dispensary and find myriad cannabis-infused edibles such as gummies, chocolates, candies, or cannabutter.

Edibles are getting more popular for both medical and recreational purposes. They are easy to dose and can be beneficial for sleeping disorders, chronic pain, or digestive issues. You can get in touch with a medical cannabis doctor to have a closer look in such a case.

However, gaining some knowledge regarding how they produce their effects could help you build more confidence with your consumption. 

Let’s learn further through these questions

What Are Edibles and How do They Enter Our System?

Cannabis edibles are food infused with cannabis in some form(dry strains, hash, oil). They can even be made at home and are consumed just like other food; through the digestive tract. Phytochemicals present in cannabis like CBD and THC are metabolized here by the liver into metabolites before entering our bloodstream.

Now that’s where edibles differ from other popular consumption methods, such as oral, sublingual, and smoking, where the effects are quick acting unlike in edibles.

How Long do The Edibles Take to Kick in & How Intense Are The Effects

While smoking cannabis or consuming a few drops of cananbis tincture directly under your tongue would create the effects almost instantly, edibles could take 30 minutes to 2 hours to kick in. This is due to the time involved in the metabolization. Depending on the body’s metabolic rate, the onset time for individuals differs.
Not only this, cannabis stays much longer in the system when consumed as an edible and creates a much-enhanced effect.
Now, ignoring the latter part could be a mistake here as getting too much high is nowhere considered pleasant.

Moreover, delta-9-THC which is the primary psychoactive ingredient of cannabis is converted into 11-OH-THC. Which is its higher potent form and is well absorbed by the body. While this can positive trait of this consumption method, it could be hefty if ignored.

Perhaps the answer to avoid avoiding uncomfortable high lies in consuming the correct dosage.

What’s The Right Dosage?

Depending upon the tolerance and physiological environment of the individual, the right dosage varies from person to person. This also means that the same amount of cannabis can produce distinct effects on 2 different people. 

So how to begin?

Well, 10mg-THC is generally considered an optimal dosage among adults. And any experienced user will suggest you to begin slowly with edibles.

Considering the above two points, it’s a good idea, to begin with a 5mg dose and wait for an hour or 2. Notice the effects. Increase the dosage if needed, within a few times you’ll get to know what amount suits you the best.


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